It is now confirmed, the IOB will provide on 20 and 21 September at Ajman University in Dubai a training on cranio-mandibular osteopathy.

During these two days, Dr. Vincent Staf, osteopath DO and Director General of BIO and Paul Lancelin, osteopath DO and assistant professor at BIO, will teach the fundamental principles of cranio-mandibular osteopathy to qualified health professionals as well as selected dental students from Ajman University in Dubai.

The first day will address the theoretical concepts of osteopathy, the neuro-physiological foundations of OMT (Osteopathic Manipulation Treatments) and the bio-mechanics of the skull.

Focused on practice, the second day will present disorders of the temporomandibular joint and dental malocclusion. She will then propose to the students to practice on a clinical case of osteopathy. Finally, Dr. Vincent Staf will conclude the seminar with a general synthesis.

Seminar program

The objective of this seminar is to provide students with fundamental skills in the practice of cranio-mandibular osteopathy:

  • Diagnose and perform a therapeutic control of the disorders of the mandator system;
  • Control a local phenomenon and its interactions with the whole body;
  • Reduce pain by decreasing medication intervention
  • Develop a multi-disciplinary medical analysis.

Presentation in January 2018 of the seminar in Cranio-Mandibaire

In the meantime, Dr. Vincent Staf, Paul Lancelin and their team are working hard to offer a course that is both complete, relevant but also visual and attractive. Different media are being tested to optimize the teaching delivered. More information is coming soon!

Launch of international exchanges

In addition, we would like to remind you that, in parallel with this seminar, we will have the pleasure of starting international internships. We will take with us in Dubai 3 to 4 students selected on their osteopathic skills, their level of English and their involvement in the life of the school. The students will work in the College of Dentistry Clinic at Ajman University and will be able to exchange their knowledge with Emirati students and their teachers and participate in consultations and various surgical work. This first exchange between our two institutions promises to be very interesting and we are very proud of it.

The cost of transportation and accommodation will be borne by our institution.

Once again, IOB would like to thank Ajman University for its confidence. We are convinced that this seminar is the starting point for a long and fruitful partnership between our two institutions.

IOB team

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IOB, Institut d’Ostéopathie de Bordeaux, l’école de référence à Bordeaux pour devenir un ostéopathe compétent et qualifié.

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