This Saturday, July 7th took place the morning of pre-re-entry of the BIO. We invited our future freshmen and their parents to school to prepare for the new school year.

In the program :

  • Welcome word of the management;
  • Conference on the 1st year pedagogical program;
  • Distribution of the list of books to read and to obtain;
  • Exchange with the team on the return and the organization (payment of the balance of schooling expected the day of the return, date of the return, social security, …);
  • Discussion with the team (for parents);

  • Meeting between all the students: presentation time of each, fitting of gowns and sale of sheets and medical equipment.

We hope that, like the whole team, you enjoyed this moment. We wish all of our students a happy holiday and want to see you fit and motivated in September!

Distribution of coffees

Everyone answered this

Presentation of the courses

The Student Office is recruiting!

Logo IOB Bordeaux sans fond

IOB, Institut d’Ostéopathie de Bordeaux, l’école de référence à Bordeaux pour devenir un ostéopathe compétent et qualifié.

Nos derniers articles

Gala IOB 2024

Gala IOB 2024

Revivez le Gala IOB 2024 et la remise des diplômes de nos ex-5ème années au Grand Hôtel de Bordeaux.