This Thursday, June 28, took place the new Gala of IOB. We were received at the Bordeaux city hall fairs to graduate our 5th year students.

This ceremony will have seen our director, Mr Vincent Staf, review the past year, congratulate all the students, the administrative team and describe the future projects.

Our graduates of 5th year then came, in turn, to look for their diploma and to say some words. Thanks to the family and the school came back regularly in the speeches of the students, until the arrival of the emotional moment of the evening and the request for marriage of one of our graduates, Sylvain Maxime to his friend, Maguelone Cabanis, also a new graduate of IOB!

The graduation ceremony was then held at the reception, in order to let the families come to congratulate the new osteopaths.

At 8pm, the guests left the town hall to join La Villa Tourny and eat. The evening at La Villa Tourny ended around 2am. The last motivated then concluded this festive moment in a nearby nightclub. But here, no picture has filtered…

See all the pictures on our Facebook page IOB Bordeaux.
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IOB, Institut d’Ostéopathie de Bordeaux, l’école de référence à Bordeaux pour devenir un ostéopathe compétent et qualifié.

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