On 20 and 21 January, an innovative partnership was signed between the Institute of Osteopathy of Bordeaux (the International French Osteopathy Medical School) and the University of Dental Medicine of Ajman in the United Arab Emirates.

The Osteopathic Institute of Bordeaux, a school accredited by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health and a member of Campus France, is the first French Osteopathy school to develop its teaching on the international level with a prestigious Emirati University such as Ajman.

This collaborative approach was concretized by the signature of a unique partnership between Dr. Karim Seghir, Chancellor of the University of Dental Medicine of Ajman, and Dr. Vincent Staf do Mrof, Director General of iob and co-founder of ISEMA (European Higher Institute of Alternative Medicine).

These days were punctuated by a conference on the complementarity of these two medicines. The future of this collaboration between the University of Ajman and the iob looks promising in view of the wealth of exchanges between the many dentists present and Dr. Vincent STAF assisted by Séraphin Piscione and Paul Lancelin, osteopaths.

This cooperation will enable Emirian students as well as dental surgeons to discover and develop the management of temporomandibular dysfunction related to occlusal disorders.

The training offered by BIO will have a significant health impact, particularly in the prevention of post-operative complications.

This partnership has several axes:

  • The establishment in Ajman of a 10-day post-graduate training supervised by DR Vincent STAF and validated by the Ministry of Health of the United Arab Emirates.
  • At the end of this training, a certificate of aptitude in Cranio-Mandibular Osteopathy will be issued.
  • Establishment of a medical clinic located near the University of Ajmanqui will host a single department of Alternative and Alternative Medicine. This establishment will allow the study of several research protocols in Osteopathy in collaboration with the Dental Medicine in particular.
  • This research may be part of obtaining dissertations or theses for Emirati students and BIO in the context of student exchanges. Publications and new advances in Alternative and Complementary Medicine will punctuate the daily life of this new clinic.
  • In order to promote exchanges between the two nations and to guarantee a quality partnership, an international class will be created within the BIO with, in parallel, the establishment of courses in French at the University of Ajman. This approach will be based on the expertise of the Alliance Française foundation.

A bright future in perspective for a better quality of care for our patients!

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IOB, Institut d’Ostéopathie de Bordeaux, l’école de référence à Bordeaux pour devenir un ostéopathe compétent et qualifié.

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