That’s it, the 2017/2018 school year is finally over for everyone!

The Gala and the graduation ceremony took place, all our promotions got their results and the administration prepared the start of the 2018/2019 academic year. The school will close. Students, teachers and supervisors will be able to enjoy a well-deserved vacation. Thank you all for this year which was rewarding, exciting and promises great things for the future. As a reminder, here are the main upcoming dates to remember:

  • Closing of the school: Monday, July 30 – Sunday, August 19
  • Week of catching up: Monday 3rd September – Friday 7th September
  • Back on: Monday 17 September
Happy holidays to all and see you on september!

IOB team

Logo IOB Bordeaux sans fond

IOB, Institut d’Ostéopathie de Bordeaux, l’école de référence à Bordeaux pour devenir un ostéopathe compétent et qualifié.

Nos derniers articles

Formation en ostéopathie : quelle durée ?

Formation en ostéopathie : quelle durée ?

Vous souhaitez obtenir des informations relatives à la formation en ostéopathie ? Le cadre légal, la durée et les raisons de ce long cursus ? Tour d’horizon avec l’IOB, spécialiste de la formation en ostéopathie à Bordeaux.