Dear Students, Dear Parents,

We are finally closing the chapter of this special year…

As you know, at IOB we have always taken the decision to make the most of this period, to remain optimistic and positive, and to provide the most qualitative courses through the new teaching methods that have been imposed on us.
Our courses have all (or almost all, then postponed) been given by videoconference or face-to-face in compliance with health regulations.
Our teachers, like our students, have managed to find their own rhythm and to maintain the expected level.

The reference period for the first term has been lengthened with the end of January 2021 in order to have a more precise vision of each student’s work.
We remain at IOB, all mobilized to ensure that everything goes as smoothly as possible and that you are serene and reassured in your school year so that you can give the best of yourself.

However, we are counting on you to continue to be motivated, serious and ambitious, and not to let yourself be destabilized by this year which is ending to make way for a new one which will necessarily start in a better light.
We believe that the situation is evolving favorably, with a return to « normal » as quickly as possible, so that we can resume all the activities we had planned, such as sporting events, interventions in town halls, international development…

In the meantime, let’s all take advantage of these well-deserved end-of-year holidays to rest, enjoy pleasant moments with the family (in limited numbers of course…), without forgetting a little eye on your lessons, which are always necessary!

We wish you a very happy new year 2021!

The whole IOB team

Congratulations to our graduates!

On Thursday 17 December, we had the pleasure of attending the dissertation of our last graduates of the year: Caroline Ruperto, Elisa Pellegry and Guinot Bergheaud.
Now new Osteopaths D.O., we wish them complete personal and professional fullfilment (just like Clémence Grossin, who graduated in September).


New IOB-diplomas : Caroline, Clémence, Élisa and Guinot

The ECOM opens its doors in January

As you already know, the ECOM will open its doors on 18 January 2021 with its first class. A new adventure is beginning for all of us, thanks to this international partnership and the special relationship between IOB and ECOM.

Mr Staf, co-founder of the school, and part of the teaching staff will regularly visit the school to teach their courses. Exchanges between students will also be organised every year.
Follow the ECOM on social networks and follow the news of the first promotion!


IOB Team

Logo IOB Bordeaux sans fond

IOB, Institut d’Ostéopathie de Bordeaux, l’école de référence à Bordeaux pour devenir un ostéopathe compétent et qualifié.

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