Who says « new year » says « new start ». It is therefore with a little advance on the return that we present the new website of the Institute of Osteopathy of Bordeaux.

After several years of good and loyal service, our old website was aging and no longer suitable for new uses, including mobile use increasingly important.

It is with this objective that we worked on the realization of this new version. A more streamlined design, entertaining activities, a more important place for the pedagogical clinic, the international and the admissions are also part of the novelties of our Web site.

In addition, the « News » section will be updated more regularly. Students and parents will be able to consult it to be kept informed of the latest news from the school. You can even discover on our social networks Facebook, Instagram or Linkedinin real time our latest events.

Nous espérons donc que vous prendrez plaisir à naviguer sur le site et qu’il vous donnera envie de nous rejoindre, comme étudiant ou comme patient.

See you,

IOB Team

Logo IOB Bordeaux sans fond

IOB, Institut d’Ostéopathie de Bordeaux, l’école de référence à Bordeaux pour devenir un ostéopathe compétent et qualifié.

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